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arXiv:1411.6729 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Thick-target yields of radioactive targets deduced from inverse kinematics

Masayuki Aikawa, Shuichiro Ebata, Shotaro Imai

Published 2014-11-25, updated 2015-04-10Version 2

The thick-target yield (TTY) is a macroscopic quantity reflected by nuclear reactions and matter properties of targets. In order to evaluate TTYs on radioactive targets, we suggest a conversion method from inverse kinematics corresponding to the reaction of radioactive beams on stable targets. The method to deduce the TTY is theoretically derived from inverse kinematics. We apply the method to the natCu(12C,X)24Na reaction to confirm availability. In addition, it is applied to the 137Cs + 12C reaction as an example of a radioactive system and discussed a conversion coefficient of a TTY measurement.

Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures, Accepted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B
Categories: nucl-th, nucl-ex
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