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arXiv:1411.6390 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

A classification of finite quantum kinematics

J. Tolar

Published 2014-11-24Version 1

Quantum mechanics in Hilbert spaces of finite dimension $N$ is reviewed from the number theoretic point of view. For composite numbers $N$ possible quantum kinematics are classified on the basis of Mackey's Imprimitivity Theorem for finite Abelian groups. This yields also a classification of finite Weyl-Heisenberg groups and the corresponding finite quantum kinematics. Simple number theory gets involved through the fundamental theorem describing all finite discrete Abelian groups of order $N$ as direct products of cyclic groups, whose orders are powers of not necessarily distinct primes contained in the prime decomposition of $N$. The representation theoretic approach is further compared with the algebraic approach, where the basic object is the corresponding operator algebra. The consideration of fine gradings of this associative algebra then brings a fresh look on the relation between the mathematical formalism and physical realizations of finite quantum systems.

Comments: Presented at "Symmetries in Science XVI" conference, Bregenz (Austria) 2013
Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 538 (2014) 012020 (12 pp)
Categories: quant-ph
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