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arXiv:1409.0513 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Effects Of The Ionosphere On Ground-Based Detection Of The Global 21 CM Signal From The Cosmic Dawn And The Dark Ages

Abhirup Datta, Richard Bradley, Jack O. Burns, Geraint Harker, Attila Komjathy, T. Joseph W. Lazio

Published 2014-09-01Version 1

Detection of global HI 21 cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization is the key science driver for several ongoing ground-based and future ground/space based experiments. The crucial spectral features in the global 21cm signal (turning points) occurs at low radio frequencies < 100 MHz. In addition to the human-generated RFI (Radio Frequency Interference), Earth's ionosphere drastically corrupts low-frequency radio observations from the ground. In this paper, we examine the effects of time-varying ionospheric refraction, absorption and thermal emission at these low radio frequencies and their combined effect on any ground-based global 21cm experiment. It should be noted that this is the first study of the effect of a dynamic ionosphere on global 21cm experiments. Our results indicate that the spectral features in the global 21cm signal below 100 MHz cannot be detected from the ground under even "quiet" night-time ionospheric conditions. Any attempt to calibrate the ionospheric effect will be subject to the inaccuracies in the current ionospheric measurements using GPS (Global Positioning System) ionospheric measurements, riometer measurements, ionospheric soundings, etc. Even considering an optimistic improvement in the accuracy of GPS-TEC (Total Electron Content) measurements, we conclude that the detection of the global 21cm signal below 100 MHz from the ground is not possible. Hence, a space-based mission above the Earth's atmosphere is best suited to carry out these high sensitivity observations of the global 21 cm signal at low radio frequencies.

Comments: 11 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal
Categories: astro-ph.CO, astro-ph.IM
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