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arXiv:1405.1979 [math.GT]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

On finite groups of isometries of handlebodies in arbitrary dimensions and finite extensions of Schottky groups

Mattia Mecchia, Bruno P. Zimmermann

Published 2014-05-08, updated 2015-02-06Version 2

It is known that the order of a finite group of diffeomorphisms of a 3-dimensional handlebody of genus g > 1 is bounded by the linear polynomial 12(g-1), and that the order of a finite group of diffeomorphisms of a 4-dimensional handlebody (or equivalently, of its boundary 3-manifold), faithful on the fundamental group, is bounded by a quadratic polynomial in g (but not by a linear one). In the present paper we prove a generalization for handlebodies of arbitrary dimension d, uniformizing handlebodies by Schottky groups and considering finite groups of isometries of such handlebodies. We prove that the order of a finite group of isometries of a handlebody of dimension d acting faithfully on the fundamental group is bounded by a polynomial of degree d/2 in g if d is even, and of degree (d+1)/2 if d is odd, and that the degree d/2 for even d is best possible. This implies then analogous polynomial Jordan-type bounds for arbitrary finite groups of isometries of handlebodies (since a handlebody of dimension d > 3 admits S^1-actions, there does not exist an upper bound for the order of the group itself ).

Comments: 13 pages; this is the final version to appear in Fund. Math
Categories: math.GT
Subjects: 57S17, 57S25, 57M60, 20H10
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