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arXiv:1404.2814 [astro-ph.GA]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Power Spectrum Analysis of Polarized Emission from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey

R. A. Stutz, E. W. Rosolowsky, R. Kothes, T. Landecker

Published 2014-04-10Version 1

Angular power spectra are calculated and presented for the entirety of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey polarization dataset at 1.4 GHz covering an area of 1060 deg$^2$. The data analyzed are a combination of data from the 100-m Effelsberg Telescope, the 26-m Telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, and the Synthesis Telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, allowing all scales to be sampled down to arcminute resolution. The resulting power spectra cover multipoles from $\ell \approx 60$ to $\ell \approx 10^4$ and display both a power-law component at low multipoles and a flattening at high multipoles from point sources. We fit the power spectrum with a model that accounts for these components and instrumental effects. The resulting power-law indices are found to have a mode of 2.3, similar to previous results. However, there are significant regional variations in the index, defying attempts to characterize the emission with a single value. The power-law index is found to increase away from the Galactic plane. A transition from small-scale to large-scale structure is evident at $b= 9^{\circ}$, associated with the disk-halo transition in a 15$^{\circ}$ region around $l=108^{\circ}$. Localized variations in the index are found toward HII regions and supernova remnants, but the interpretation of these variations is inconclusive. The power in the polarized emission is anticorrelated with bright thermal emission (traced by H$\alpha$ emission) indicating that the thermal emission depolarizes background synchrotron emission.

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