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arXiv:1403.3189 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Wigner function and the probability representation of quantum states

Margarita A. Man'ko, Vladimir I. Man'ko

Published 2014-03-13Version 1

The relation of the Wigner function with the fair probability distribution called tomographic distribution or quantum tomogram associated with the quantum state is reviewed. The connection of the tomographic picture of quantum mechanics with the integral Radon transform of the Wigner quasidistribution is discussed. The Wigner--Moyal equation for the Wigner function is presented in the form of kinetic equation for the tomographic probability distribution both in quantum mechanics and in the classical limit of the Liouville equation. The calculation of moments of physical observables in terms of integrals with the state tomographic probability distributions is constructed having a standard form of averaging in the probability theory. New uncertainty relations for the position and momentum are written in terms of optical tomograms suitable for direct experimental check. Some recent experiments on checking the uncertainty relations including the entropic uncertainty relations are discussed.

Comments: 4 p, contribution to the Proceedings of the conference "Wigner 111 - Colourful and Deep (November 11-13 Budapest, Hungary)
Categories: quant-ph
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