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arXiv:1402.6052 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Comprehensive Study of $\overline B^0\to K^0(\overline K^0) K^\mpπ^\pm$ Decays in the Factorization Approach

Ying Li

Published 2014-02-25, updated 2014-05-06Version 2

Using the factorization approach, we investigate the $\overline B^0 \to \overline K^0K^+\pi^-$ and $\overline B^0 \to K^0K^-\pi^+$ decays individually including the resonant and nonresonant contributions. Under the flavor SU(3) symmetry, we obtain the total branching fraction $BR [\overline B^0 \to (\overline K^0K^+\pi^-+K^0K^-\pi^+)]=(7.17^{+0.50+1.97+0.08}_{-0.53-1.42-0.07})\times 10^{-6}$, which is in agreement with the recent measurements of BaBar and LHCb within errors. For the decay $\overline B^0 \to \overline K^0K^+\pi^-$, the nonresonant background and $a_0^+(1450)$ pole in the current-induced process provide large contribution, the latter of which has not been included in previous studies. On the contrary,the decay $\overline B^0 \to K^0K^-\pi^+$ is dominated by the nonresonant background and the offshell $\rho^-$ pole. When the flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking and the final-state rescattering are considered under two different scenarios, the results can also accommodate the experimental data with large uncertainties. Moreover, the direct $CP$ asymmetry of $\overline B^0 \to \overline K^0K^+\pi^-$ is found to be sensitive to the matrix element of scalar density. These predictions could be further tested in the LHCb experiment or Super-b factory in future.

Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures
Journal: Phys. Rev. D 89, 094007 (2014)
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
Subjects: 13.25.Hw, 13.20.He
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