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arXiv:1401.4817 [math.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Binomial edge ideals with pure resolutions

Dariush Kiani, Sara Saeedi Madani

Published 2014-01-20Version 1

We characterize all graphs whose binomial edge ideals have pure resolutions. Moreover, we introduce a new switching of graphs which does not change some algebraic invariants of graphs, and using this, we study the linear strand of the binomial edge ideals for some classes of graphs. Also, we pose a conjecture on the linear strand of such ideals for every graph.

Comments: 10 pages, 8 figures, To appear in Collectanea Math
Categories: math.CO, math.AC
Subjects: 05E40, 05C25, 16E05, 13C05
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