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arXiv:1401.2447 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Higher-order electroweak corrections to the partial widths and branching ratios of the Z boson

A. Freitas

Published 2014-01-10, updated 2020-12-22Version 4

Recently, the calculation of fermionic electroweak two-loop corrections to the total width of the Z boson and hadronic Z-peak cross-section in the Standard Model has been presented in arXiv:1310.2256, where "fermionic" refers to diagrams with closed fermion loops. Here, these results are complemented by presenting contributions of the same order for the Z-boson partial widths, which are the last missing pieces for a complete description of Z-pole physics at the fermionic two-loop order. The definition of the relevant observables and the calculational techniques are described in detail. Numerical results are presented conveniently in terms of simple parametrization formulae. Finally, the remaining theoretical uncertainties from missing higher-order corrections are analyzed and found to be small compared to the current experimental errors.

Comments: 20 pages, 4 figures; v2: few typos corrected; v3: typo in (37) corrected; v4: typo in (25) corrected
Journal: JHEP 1404 (2014) 070
Categories: hep-ph
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