arXiv:1312.0051 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the Reduced Minimal 3-3-1 Model
Chris Kelso, P. R. D. Pinheiro, Farinaldo S. Queiroz, William Shepherd
Published 2013-11-30Version 1
We study the muon anomalous magnetic moment $(g-2)_{\mu}$ in the context of the reduced minimal 3-3-1 model recently proposed in the literature. In particular, its spectrum contains a doubly charged scalar ($H^{\pm \pm}$) and gauge boson ($U^{\pm \pm}$), new singly charged vectors ($V^{\pm}$) and a $Z^{\prime}$ boson, each of which might give a sizeable contribution to the $(g-2)_{\mu}$. We compute the 1-loop contributions from all these new particles to the $(g-2)_{\mu}$. We conclude that the doubly charged vector boson provides the dominant contribution, and by comparing our results with the experimental constraints we derive an expected value for the scale of $SU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_N$ symmetry breaking $v_{\chi} \sim 2$ TeV. We also note that, if the discrepancy in the anomalous moment is resolved in the future without this model then the constraints will tighten to requiring $v_\chi > 2.7$ TeV with current precision, and will entirely rule out the model if the expected precision is achieved by the future experiment at Fermilab.