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arXiv:1310.3898 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Quantum Algorithms for Matrix Products over Semirings

François Le Gall, Harumichi Nishimura

Published 2013-10-15Version 1

In this paper we construct quantum algorithms for matrix products over several algebraic structures called semirings, including the (max,min)-matrix product, the distance matrix product and the Boolean matrix product. In particular, we obtain the following results. We construct a quantum algorithm computing the product of two n x n matrices over the (max,min) semiring with time complexity O(n^{2.473}). In comparison, the best known classical algorithm for the same problem, by Duan and Pettie, has complexity O(n^{2.687}). As an application, we obtain a O(n^{2.473})-time quantum algorithm for computing the all-pairs bottleneck paths of a graph with n vertices, while classically the best upper bound for this task is O(n^{2.687}), again by Duan and Pettie. We construct a quantum algorithm computing the L most significant bits of each entry of the distance product of two n x n matrices in time O(2^{0.64L} n^{2.46}). In comparison, prior to the present work, the best known classical algorithm for the same problem, by Vassilevska and Williams and Yuster, had complexity O(2^{L}n^{2.69}). Our techniques lead to further improvements for classical algorithms as well, reducing the classical complexity to O(2^{0.96L}n^{2.69}), which gives a sublinear dependency on 2^L. The above two algorithms are the first quantum algorithms that perform better than the $\tilde O(n^{5/2})$-time straightforward quantum algorithm based on quantum search for matrix multiplication over these semirings. We also consider the Boolean semiring, and construct a quantum algorithm computing the product of two n x n Boolean matrices that outperforms the best known classical algorithms for sparse matrices. For instance, if the input matrices have O(n^{1.686...}) non-zero entries, then our algorithm has time complexity O(n^{2.277}), while the best classical algorithm has complexity O(n^{2.373}).

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