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arXiv:1309.4804 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Cooling of a Nanomechanical Resonator in the Presence of a Single Diatomic Molecule

M. Eghbali-Arani, Sh. Barzanjeh, H. Yavari, M. A. Shahzamanian

Published 2013-09-18, updated 2015-02-28Version 3

We propose a theoretical scheme for coupling a nanomechanical resonator to a single diatomic molecule via microwave cavity mode of a driven LC resonator. We describe the diatomic molecule by a Morse potential and find the corresponding equations of motion of the hybrid system by using Fokker-Planck formalism. Analytical expressions for the effective frequency and the effective damping of the nanomechanical resonator are obtained. We analyze the ground state cooling of the nanomechanical resonator in presence of the diatomic molecule. The results confirm that presence of the molecule improves the cooling process of the mechanical resonator. Finally, the effect of molecule's parameters on the cooling mechanism is studied.

Comments: 10 pages, 8 figures
Journal: Annals of Physics, Volume 355, April 2015, Pages 130-142
Categories: quant-ph
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