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arXiv:1308.6476 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Dense baryonic matter in conformally-compensated hidden local symmetry: Vector manifestation and chiral symmetry restoration

Yong-Liang Ma, Masayasu Harada, Hyun Kyu Lee, Yongseok Oh, Byung-Yoon Park, Mannque Rho

Published 2013-08-29, updated 2014-08-20Version 3

We find that, when the dilaton is implemented as a (pseudo-)Nambu-Goldstone boson using a conformal compensator or "conformon" in a hidden gauge symmetric Lagrangian written to $O(p^4)$ from which baryons arise as solitons, namely, skyrmions, the vector manifestation and chiral symmetry restoration at high density predicted in hidden local symmetry theory --- which is consistent with Brown-Rho scaling --- are lost or sent to infinite density. It is shown that they can be restored if in medium the behavior of the $\omega$ field is taken to deviate from that of the $\rho$ meson in such a way that the flavor $U(2)$ symmetry is strongly broken at increasing density. The hitherto unexposed crucial role of the $\omega$ meson in the structure of elementary baryon and multibaryon systems is uncovered in this work. In the state of half-skyrmions to which the skyrmions transform at a density $n_{1/2}^{} \gtrsim n_0^{}$ (where $n_0^{}$ is the normal nuclear matter density), characterized by the vanishing (space averaged) quark condensate but nonzero pion decay constant, the nucleon mass remains more or less constant at a value $\gtrsim$ 60 \% of the vacuum value indicating a large component of the nucleon mass that is not associated with the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry. We discuss its connection to the chiral-invariant mass $m_0^{}$ that figures in the parity-doublet baryon model.

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