arXiv:1308.5583 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Mass dependence of nuclear short- range correlations and the EMC effect
Wim Cosyn, Maarten Vanhalst, Jan Ryckebusch
Published 2013-08-26, updated 2013-10-15Version 2
We sketch an approximate method to quantify the number of correlated pairs in any nucleus $A$. It is based on counting independent-particle model (IPM) nucleon-nucleon pairs in a relative $S$-state with no radial excitation. We show that IPM pairs with those quantum numbers are most prone to short-range correlations and are at the origin of the high-momentum tail of the nuclear momentum distributions. Our method allows to compute the $a_2$ ratios extracted from inclusive electron scattering. Furthermore, our results reproduce the observed linear correlation between the number of correlated pairs and the magnitude of the EMC effect. We show that the width of the pair center-of-mass distribution in exclusive two-nucleon knockout yields information on the quantum numbers of the pairs.