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arXiv:1307.4483 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Critical exponent for the Anderson transition in the three dimensional orthogonal universality class

Keith Slevin, Tomi Ohtsuki

Published 2013-07-17, updated 2019-11-20Version 4

We report a careful finite size scaling study of the metal insulator transition in Anderson's model of localisation. We focus on the estimation of the critical exponent $\nu$ that describes the divergence of the localisation length. We verify the universality of this critical exponent for three different distributions of the random potential: box, normal and Cauchy. Our results for the critical exponent are consistent with the measured values obtained in experiments on the dynamical localisation transition in the quantum kicked rotor realised in a cold atomic gas.

Comments: Published version. New Journal of Physics, focus issue on 'Frontiers of disorder physics' edited by Maciej Lewenstein, Giovanni Modugno, J\"org Schmalian and Costas Soukoulis. Errata added as Appendix B to this version
Journal: New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 015012
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