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arXiv:1304.3936 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

The redshift-evolution of the distribution of star formation among dark matter halos as seen in the infrared

Matthieu Béthermin, Lingyu Wang, Olivier Doré, Guilaine Lagache, Mark Sargent, Emanuele Daddi, Morgane Cousin, Hervé Aussel

Published 2013-04-14, updated 2013-07-10Version 2

[Abridged] Recent studies revealed a strong correlation between the star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass of star-forming galaxies, the so-called star-forming main sequence. An empirical modeling approach (2-SFM) which distinguishes between the main sequence and rarer starburst galaxies is capable of reproducing most statistical properties of infrared galaxies. In this paper, we extend this approach by establishing a connection between stellar mass and halo mass with the technique of abundance matching. Based on a few, simple assumptions and a physically motivated formalism, our model successfully predicts the (cross-)power spectra of the cosmic infrared background (CIB), the cross-correlation between CIB and cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing, and the correlation functions of bright, resolved infrared galaxies measured by Herschel, Planck, ACT and SPT. We use this model to infer the redshift distribution these observables, as well as the level of correlation between CIB-anisotropies at different wavelengths. We also predict that more than 90% of cosmic star formation activity occurs in halos with masses between 10^11.5 and 10^13.5 Msun. Taking into account subsequent mass growth of halos, this implies that the majority of stars were initially (at z>3) formed in the progenitors of clusters, then in groups at 0.5<z<3 and finally in Milky-Way-like halos at z<0.5. At all redshifts, the dominant contribution to the star formation rate density stems from halos of mass ~10^12 Msun, in which the instantaneous star formation efficiency is maximal (~70%). The strong redshift-evolution of SFR in the galaxies that dominate the CIB is thus plausibly driven by increased accretion from the cosmic web onto halos of this characteristic mass scale. Material available at

Comments: 25 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, revised version accepted by A&A
Categories: astro-ph.CO
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