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arXiv:1303.4563 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Monte Carlo Simulation of Hard Radiation in Decays in Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Herwig++

Peter Richardson, Alexandra Wilcock

Published 2013-03-19, updated 2014-01-14Version 2

We use the POWHEG formalism in the Herwig++ event generator to match QCD real-emission matrix elements with the parton shower for a range of decays relevant to Beyond the Standard Model physics searches. Applying this correction affects the shapes of experimental observables and so changes the number of events passing selection criteria. To validate this approach, we study the impact of the correction on Standard Model top quark decays. We then illustrate the effect of the correction on Beyond the Standard Model scenarios by considering the invariant-mass distribution of dijets produced in the decay of the lightest Randall-Sundrum graviton and transverse momentum distributions for decays in Supersymmetry. We consider only the effect of the POWHEG correction on the simulation of the hardest emission in the shower and ignore the normalisation factor required to correct the total widths and branching ratios to next-to-leading order accuracy.

Comments: 20 pages, 7 figures
Journal: Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 2713
Categories: hep-ph
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