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arXiv:1303.0559 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Transport Properties for Triangular Barriers in Graphene

Abderrahim El Mouhafid, Ahmed Jellal

Published 2013-03-03, updated 2013-11-30Version 3

We theoretically study the electronic transport properties of Dirac fermions through one and double triangular barriers in graphene. Using the transfer matrix method, we determine the transmission, conductance and Fano factor. They are obtained to be various parameters dependent such as well width, barrier height and barrier width. Therefore, different discussions are given and comparison with the previous significant works is done. In particular, it is shown that at Dirac point the Dirac fermions always own a minimum conductance associated with a maximum Fano factor and change their behaviors in an oscillatory way (irregularly periodical tunneling peaks) when the potential of applied voltage is increased.

Comments: 18 pages, 8 figures, clarifications and reference added, misprints corrected
Journal: J Low Temp Phys 173 (2013) 264
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