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arXiv:1210.2927 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Exploring Drell-Yan signals from the 4D Composite Higgs Model at the LHC

Daniele Barducci, Alexander Belyaev, Stefania De Curtis, Stefano Moretti, Giovanni Marco Pruna

Published 2012-10-10, updated 2013-05-28Version 3

We study the phenomenology of Drell-Yan processes at the Large Hadron Collider for the case of both the neutral and charged current channels within a recently proposed 4-Dimensional formulation of the Minimal Composite Higgs Model. We estimate the integrated and differential event rates at the CERN machine, assuming 14 TeV and data samples of ${\cal O}(100 {\rm{fb}}^{-1})$, as at lower energy and/or luminosity event rates are prohibitively small. We pay particular attention to the presence of multiple resonances in either channel, by showing that in certain region of parameter space some of these can be distinguishable and experimentally accessible in the invariant and/or transverse mass distribution, sampled in either the cross section, the forward-backward asymmetry or both. At the same time, we assess the indirect impact onto the line-shape of the emerging gauge boson resonances, both neutral and charged, of additional heavy fermionic states present in the spectrum of the model. Finally, we show how to exploit in the kinematic selection the fact that the extra neutral and charged gauge boson resonances in composite Higgs models are correlated in mass. Such results rely on a parton level study including a statystical error analysis.

Comments: 42 pages, 19 figures, changes for publication in JHEP
Journal: JHEP04(2013)152
Categories: hep-ph
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