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arXiv:1208.2902 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Constraints on flavor-changing neutral-current $Htq$ couplings from the signal of $tH$ associated production with QCD next-to-leading order accuracy at the LHC

Yan Wang, Fa Peng Huang, Chong Sheng Li, Bo Hua Li, Ding Yu Shao, Jian Wang

Published 2012-08-14, updated 2012-11-21Version 2

We study a generic Higgs boson and a top quark associated production via model-independent flavor-changing neutral-current couplings at the LHC, including complete QCD next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections to the production and decay of the top quark and the Higgs boson. We find that QCD NLO corrections can increase the total production cross sections by about 48.9% and 57.9% for the $Htu$ and $Htc$ coupling induced processes at the LHC, respectively. After kinematic cuts are imposed on the decay products of the top quark and the Higgs boson, the QCD NLO corrections are reduced to 11% for the $Htu$ coupling induced process and almost vanish for the $Htc$ coupling induced process. Moreover, QCD NLO corrections reduce the dependence of the total cross sections on the renormalization and factorization scales. We also discuss signals of the $tH$ associated production with the decay mode $t \rightarrow bl^{+}E \slash_{T}, H \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ and $t\bar{t}$ production with the decay mode $\bar{t} \rightarrow H\bar{q}, t\rightarrow bl^{+}E \slash_{T}$. Our results show that, in some parameter regions, the LHC may observe the above signals at the $5\sigma$ level. Otherwise, the upper limits on the FCNC $Htq$ couplings can be set.

Comments: 28 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables; version published in PRD
Journal: Physical Review D86, 094014 (2012)
Categories: hep-ph
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