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arXiv:1205.2807 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Eavesdropping in Semiquantum Key Distribution Protocol

Arpita Maitra, Goutam Paul

Published 2012-05-12, updated 2015-01-29Version 2

In semiquantum key-distribution (Boyer et al.) Alice has the same capability as in BB84 protocol, but Bob can measure and prepare qubits only in $\{|0\rangle, |1\rangle\}$ basis and reflect any other qubit. We study an eavesdropping strategy on this scheme that listens to the channel in both the directions. With the same level of disturbance induced in the channel, Eve can extract more information using our two-way strategy than what can be obtained by the direct application of one-way eavesdropping in BB84.

Comments: 11 pages, 2 Figures
Journal: Information Processing Letters, pages 418-422, vol. 113, issue 12, June 30, 2013
Categories: quant-ph, cs.CR
Subjects: 81P94
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