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arXiv:1112.5107 [hep-lat]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

The chirally improved quark propagator and restoration of chiral symmetry

Mario Schröck

Published 2011-12-21, updated 2012-04-05Version 2

The chirally improved (CI) quark propagator in Landau gauge is calculated in two flavor lattice Quantum Chromodynamics. Its wave-function renormalization function $Z(p^2)$ and mass function $M(p^2)$ are studied. To minimize lattice artifacts, tree-level improvement of the propagator and tree-level correction of the lattice dressing functions is applied. Subsequently the CI quark propagator under Dirac operator low-mode removal is investigated. The dynamically generated mass in the infrared domain of the mass function is found to dissolve continuously as a function of the reduction level and strong suppression of $Z(p^2)$ for small momenta is observed.

Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures; accepted at Phys. Lett. B
Journal: Phys. Lett. B 711 (2012) 217-224
Categories: hep-lat
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