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arXiv:1112.4461 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Impact of LHC Searches on NLSP Top Squark and Gluino Mass

Bin He, Tong Li, Qaisar Shafi

Published 2011-12-19, updated 2012-07-02Version 2

We explore the implications of 7 TeV LHC searches for a scenario in which one of the stops is the next-to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP). The NLSP stop (\tilde{t}_1) is assumed to decay exclusively into neutralino and charm quark. We consider processes where the stops are pair produced together with a hard QCD jet. We also consider stop quarks from gluino decays, \tilde{g}\to t\tilde{t}_1^\ast+\bar{t}\tilde{t}_1. We show that the monojet ATLAS and CMS searches corresponding to 1 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity are sensitive to stop masses of up to 160 GeV, with the 20% neutralino-stop coannihilation region essentially ruled out for M_{\tilde{t}_1}\lesssim 140 GeV. The region M_{\tilde{t}_1}\lesssim 130 GeV is excluded with even relatively larger mass difference, M_{\tilde{t}_1}-M_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}\sim 40 GeV, by the multi-jets search. The b-jet and same-sign dilepton searches are sensitive to a heavier gluino because they only pick up gluino pair production events followed by top quarks decaying into b-jets and same-sign dileptons, respectively. We find that the LHC data places a lower limit on the gluino mass in this scenario of about 600 GeV (700 GeV) from b-jets (same-sign dileptons) searches.

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