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arXiv:1112.2794 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Higgs and Top Masses from Dynamical Symmetry Breaking - Revisited

D. E. Kahana, S. H. Kahana

Published 2011-12-13Version 1

We re-examine our former predictions \cite{kahanath1,kahanath2} of the top and Higgs masses via dynamical symmetry breaking in a 4-fermion theory which produces the Higgs as a bound state, and relates the top and Higgs masses to $m_W$. The use of dynamical symmetry breaking was stongly motivated by the apparent equality, within a factor of two, of the known and expected masses of the $W$, $Z$, top and Higgs. In later work \cite{kahanath2} we evaluated the masses self-consistently at the mass-poles, which resulted in predictions of $m_t \sim 175$ GeV, and $m_H \sim 125$ GeV as central values within ranges produced by varying the measured strong coupling. Figures (1) and (2) result from evolution down to $m_W$ while the number quoted for the top quark mass, i.e. 175 GeV includes an evolution back up to the top and use of the determination of $\alpha_s$ at LEP at that time. $m_H$ is less dependent on the value of the strong coupling. The variation of the predicted masses for a range of the strong and electro-weak couplings $\alpha_s$, $\alpha_W$ at $m_W$ are exhibited in Figure (3) and Figure (4) reproduced from the last work \cite{kahanath2}, which was submitted to PRD well before the first FNAL publications \cite{CDF1,D0top} suggesting evidence for the top.

Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:hep-ph/9312316
Categories: hep-ph
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