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arXiv:1112.0086 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Identify Charged Higgs Boson in $W^\pm H^\mp$ Associated Production at LHC

Shou-Shan Bao, Xue Gong, Hong-Lei Li, Shi-Yuan Li, Zong-Guo Si

Published 2011-12-01Version 1

We investigate the possibility to discover the charged Higgs via $pp\to W^{\pm}H^{\mp}\to l+\met+b\bar{b}jj$ process at LHC, which suffers from large QCD backgrounds. We optimize the kinematic cuts to suppress the backgrounds, so that the reconstruction of the charged Higgs through hadronic decay is possible. The angular distribution of the b-jet from $H^{\pm}$ decay is investigated as a way to identify the charged scalar from vector bosons.

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