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arXiv:1111.6044 [math.RA]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Solution of a q-difference Noether problem and the quantum Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture for gl_N

Vyacheslav Futorny, Jonas T. Hartwig

Published 2011-11-25, updated 2011-11-29Version 2

It is shown that the q-difference Noether problem for all classical Weyl groups has a positive solution, simultaneously generalizing well known results on multisymmetric functions of Mattuck and Miyata in the case q=1, and q-deforming the noncommutative Noether problem for the symmetric group. It is also shown that the quantum Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture for gl_N (for a generic q) follows from the positive solution of the q-difference Noether problem for the Weyl group of type D_n. The proof is based on the theory of Galois rings developed by the first author and Ovsienko. From here we obtain a new proof of the quantum Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture for sl_N, thus recovering the result of Fauquant-Millet. Moreover, we provide an explicit description of skew fields of fractions for quantized gl_N and sl_N generalizing Alev and Dumas.

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