arXiv:1111.4609 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Heavy Quarkonium Production at LHC through $W$ Boson Decays
Qi-Li Liao, Xing-Gang Wu, Jun Jiang, Zhi Yang, Zhen-Yun Fang
Published 2011-11-20, updated 2012-01-13Version 3
The production of the heavy $(c\bar{c})$-quarkonium, $(c\bar{b})$-quarkonium and $(b\bar{b})$-quarkonium states ($(Q\bar{Q'})$-quarkonium for short), via the $W^+$ semi-inclusive decays, has been systematically studied within the framework of the non-relativistic QCD. In addition to the two color-singlet $S$-wave states, we also discuss the production of the four color-singlet $P$-wave states $|(Q\bar{Q'})(^1P_1)_{\bf 1}>$ and $(Q\bar{Q'})(^3P_J)_{\bf 1}>$ (with $J=(1,2,3)$) together with the two color-octet components $|(Q\bar{Q'})(^1S_0)_{\bf 8}>$ and $|(Q\bar{Q'})(^3S_1)_{\bf 8}>$. Improved trace technology is adopted to derive the simplified analytic expressions at the amplitude level, which shall be useful for dealing with the following cascade decay channels. At the LHC with the luminosity ${\cal L}\propto 10^{34}cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ and the center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{S}=14$ TeV, sizable heavy-quarkonium events can be produced through the $W^+$ boson decays, i.e. $2.57\times10^6$ $\eta_c$, $2.65\times10^6$ $J/\Psi$ and $2.40\times10^6$ $P$-wave charmonium events per year can be obtained; and $1.01\times10^5$ $B_c$, $9.11\times10^4$ $B^*_c$ and $3.16\times10^4$ $P$-wave $(c\bar{b})$-quarkonium events per year can be obtained. Main theoretical uncertainties have also been discussed. By adding the uncertainties caused by the quark masses in quadrature, we obtain $\Gamma_{W^+\to (c\bar{c})+c\bar{s}} =524.8^{+396.3}_{-258.4}$ KeV, $\Gamma_{W^+\to (c\bar{b})+b\bar{s}} =13.5^{+4.73}_{-3.29}$ KeV, $\Gamma_{W^+\to (c\bar{b})+c\bar{c}}= 1.74^{+1.98}_{-0.73}$ KeV and $\Gamma_{W^+\to (b\bar{b})+c\bar{b}}= 38.6^{+13.4}_{-9.69}$ eV.