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arXiv:1111.1551 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Discovery Prospects of an Almost Fermiophobic W' in the Three-Site Higgsless Model at the LHC

Fabian Bach, Thorsten Ohl

Published 2011-11-07, updated 2011-12-09Version 2

In extensions of the Standard Model with compactified extra dimensions, perturbative unitarity of the longitudinal gauge bosons is maintained through the contribution of heavy KK excitations of the gauge fields, without the necessity of introducing a Higgs field. The Three-Site Higgsless Model represents a minimal approach in this respect, containing just one extra set of heavy gauge bosons Z'/W' in the spectrum. While the Z' can have robust couplings to SM fermions and hence may be detected within the first 1-20 1/fb of LHC data at 14 TeV, the coupling of the W' to light fermions is suppressed and depends on the model parameters. Expanding on previous parton level studies, we determine discovery thresholds of the W' in s-channel Drell-Yan production at the LHC for W' masses of 380, 500 and 600 GeV, combining analyses of the semileptonic final states lljj, lnjj and the leptonic final state lnll including fast detector simulation.

Comments: 19 pages Latex. Accepted for publication
Journal: Phys. Rev. D 85, 015002 (2012)
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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