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arXiv:1111.0497 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Correlation between alpha-decay Energies of Superheavy Nuclei Involving Effect of Symmetry Energy

Jianmin Dong, Wei Zuo, Werner Scheid

Published 2011-11-02Version 1

A formula for the relationship between the $\alpha$-decay energies ($Q$ values) of superheavy nuclei (SHN) is presented, which is composed of the effects of Coulomb energy and symmetry energy. It can be employed not only to validate the experimental observations and measurements to a large extent, but also to predict the $Q$ values of heaviest SHN with a high accuracy generally which will be very useful for future experiments. Furthermore, the shell closures in superheavy region and the effect of the symmetry energy on the stability of SHN against $\alpha$-decay are discussed with the help of this formula.

Comments: 2 figures
Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 012501 (2011)
Categories: nucl-th, nucl-ex
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