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arXiv:1110.5703 [astro-ph.SR]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

The fluxes of CN neutrinos from the Sun in case of mixing in a spherical layer in the solar core

Anatoly Kopylov, Valery Petukhov

Published 2011-10-26, updated 2012-01-31Version 4

The results of the calculation are presented for the fluxes of CN neutrinos from the Sun in case of mixing in a spherical layer in the solar core, consistent with the seismic data and with the measured solar neutrino fluxes. It is shown that a substantial increase of the flux of $^{13}N$ neutrinos can be gained in this case. The possible implications for experiment are discussed.

Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures, minor corrections
Categories: astro-ph.SR
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