arXiv:1109.5849 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Low-energy theorems of QCD and bulk viscosity at finite temperature and baryon density in a magnetic field
Published 2011-09-27, updated 2012-05-07Version 3
The nonperturbative QCD vacuum at finite temperature and a finite baryon density in an external magnetic field is studied. Equations relating nonperturbative condensates to the thermodynamic pressure for $T\neq 0$, $\mu_q \neq 0$ and $H\neq 0$ are obtained, and low-energy theorems are derived. A bulk viscosity $\zeta(T, \mu, H)$ is expressed in terms of basic thermodynamical quantities describing the quark-gluon matter at $T\neq 0$, $\mu_q \neq 0$, and $H\neq 0$. Various limiting cases are also considered.
Comments: 12 pages; v2: title changed, new section about bulk viscosity and new references added; v3: new discussion added
Journal: JETP Lett. 95 (2012) 171-175; Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 95 (2012) 187-191
Keywords: bulk viscosity, finite temperature, low-energy theorems, finite baryon density, external magnetic field
Tags: journal article
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