arXiv:1109.3949 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Phase space analysis of fragmentation and role of mass asymmetry
Varinderjit Kaur, Suneel Kumar
Published 2011-09-19, updated 2011-12-13Version 2
Based on the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) picture, we aim to understand heavy-ion collisions in terms of participant spectator matter leading to various fragments of different sizes. The study is performed for symmetric as well as asymmetric reaction at E = 200 MeV/nucleon for central collisions. Our results highlight the importance of fragmentation criterion in terms of light mass fargments which are a part of participant matter and intermediate mass fragments which are coming from the spectator region.
Comments: not published
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: phase space analysis, mass asymmetry, fragmentation, intermediate mass fragments, light mass fargments
Tags: journal article
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