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arXiv:1105.3528 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Systematic study of multifragmentation in Au-Au collisions

Supriya Goyal, Rajeev K. Puri

Published 2011-05-18, updated 2011-05-19Version 2

We performed a systematic study of the formation of fragments with different mass ranges in 197Au+197Au collisions at incident energies between 20 - 1000 MeV/nucleon and at impact para- meter between ^b = 0-0.98. The aim of present study is to understand the complex dependence of fragment production on incident energy and impact parameter. Our results clearly indicate that the QMD simulations of 197Au+197Au predict different behavior for different mass ranges than for IMF's with a change in incident energy and impact parameter. All charge yields can be parameterized by a power law and no signal of liquid-gas phase transition is seen as no unique dependence of tau on impact parameter is seen.

Comments: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a error
Categories: nucl-th
Subjects: 24.10.Lx, 25.70.Pq
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