arXiv:1103.3934 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Complementarity of Semileptonic $B$ to $K_2^*(1430)$ and $K^*(892)$ Decays in the Standard Model with Fourth Generation
Muhammad Junaid, M. Jamil Aslam
Published 2011-03-21, updated 2011-09-30Version 3
The $B\rightarrow K_{2}^{\ast}(1430)l^{+}l^{-}$ $(l=\mu,\tau)$ decays are analyzed in the Standard Model extended to fourth generation of quarks (SM4). The decay rate, forward-backward asymmetry, lepton polarization asymmetries and the helicity fractions of the final state $K^{*}_{2}(1430)$ meson are obtained using the form factors calculated in the light cone sum rules (LCSR) approach. We have utilized the constraints on different fourth generation parameters obtained from the experimental information on $K$, $B$ and $D$ decays and from the electroweak precision data to explore their impact on the $B\rightarrow K_{2}^{\ast}(1430)l^{+}l^{-}$ decay. We find that the values of above mentioned physical observables deviate deviate significantly from their minimal SM predications. We also identify a number of correlations between various observables in $B\rightarrow K_{2}^{\ast}(1430)l^{+}l^{-}$ and $B\rightarrow K^{\ast}(892)l^{+}l^{-}$ decays. Therefore a combined analysis of these two decays will compliment each other in the searches of SM4 effects in flavor physics.