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arXiv:1009.0597 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Combining perturbation theories with halo models

Patrick Valageas, Takahiro Nishimichi

Published 2010-09-03, updated 2011-09-09Version 2

We investigate the building of unified models that can predict the matter-density power spectrum and the two-point correlation function from very large to small scales, being consistent with perturbation theory at low $k$ and with halo models at high $k$. We use a Lagrangian framework to re-interpret the halo model and to decompose the power spectrum into "2-halo" and "1-halo" contributions, related to "perturbative" and "non-perturbative" terms. We describe a simple implementation of this model and present a detailed comparison with numerical simulations, from $k \sim 0.02$ up to $100 h$Mpc$^{-1}$, and from $x \sim 0.02$ up to $150 h^{-1}$Mpc. We show that the 1-halo contribution contains a counterterm that ensures a $k^2$ tail at low $k$ and is important not to spoil the predictions on the scales probed by baryon acoustic oscillations, $k \sim 0.02$ to $0.3 h$Mpc$^{-1}$. On the other hand, we show that standard perturbation theory is inadequate for the 2-halo contribution, because higher order terms grow too fast at high $k$, so that resummation schemes must be used. We describe a simple implementation, based on a 1-loop "direct steepest-descent" resummation for the 2-halo contribution that allows fast numerical computations, and we check that we obtain a good match to simulations at low and high $k$. Our simple implementation already fares better than standard 1-loop perturbation theory on large scales and simple fits to the power spectrum at high $k$, with a typical accuracy of 1% on large scales and 10% on small scales. We obtain similar results for the two-point correlation function. However, there remains room for improvement on the transition scale between the 2-halo and 1-halo contributions, which may be the most difficult regime to describe.

Comments: 29 pages
Journal: Astron. Astrophys. (2011), 527, A87
Categories: astro-ph.CO
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