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arXiv:1008.2614 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Anomalous criticality in the quantum Hall transition at $n=0$ Landau level of graphene with chiral-symmetric disorders

Tohru Kawarabayashi, Takahiro Morimoto, Yasuhiro Hatsugai, Hideo Aoki

Published 2010-08-16Version 1

We investigate numerically whether the chiral symmetry is the sole factor dominating the criticality of the quantum Hall transitions in disordered graphene. When the disorder respects the chiral symmetry, the plateau-to-plateau transition at the $n=0$ Landau level is shown to become anomalous (i.e., step-function-like). Surprisingly, however, the anomaly is robust against the inclusion of the uniform next-nearest neighbor hopping, which degrades the chiral symmetry of the lattice models. We have also shown that the ac (optical) Hall conductivity exhibits a robust plateau structure when the disorder respects the chiral symmetry.

Comments: 8 pages, 10 figures
Journal: Physical Review B82, 195426 (2010)
Categories: cond-mat.mes-hall
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