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arXiv:1006.0196 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

One-loop corrections to the power spectrum in general single-field inflation

Nicola Bartolo, Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni, Alberto Vallinotto

Published 2010-06-01, updated 2010-11-30Version 2

We perform a thorough computation of the one-loop corrections from both scalar and tensor degrees of freedom to the power spectrum of curvature fluctuations for non-canonical Lagrangians in single-field inflation. We consider models characterized by a small sound speed c_{s}, which produce large non-Gaussianities. As expected, the corrections turn out to be inversely proportional to powers of c_{s}; evaluating their amplitudes it is then possible to derive some theoretical bounds on the sound speed by requesting the conditions necessary for perturbation theory to hold.

Comments: 39 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in JCAP, added references for sections 2 and 3
Journal: JCAP 1011:003,2010
Categories: astro-ph.CO, gr-qc, hep-ph, hep-th
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