arXiv:1004.2395 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hypernuclei in Relativistic Mean-field Theory
Chunyan Song, Jiangming Yao, Hongfeng Lv, Jie Meng
Published 2010-04-14, updated 2011-05-03Version 2
Several aspects about $\Lambda$-hypernuclei in the relativistic mean field theory, including the effective $\Lambda$-nucleon coupling strengths based on the successful effective nucleon-nucleon interaction PK1, hypernuclear magnetic moment and $\bar\Lambda$-hypernuclei, have been presented. The effect of tensor coupling in $\Lambda$-hypernuclei and the impurity effect of $\bar\Lambda$ to nuclear structure have been discussed in detail.
Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Sendai International Symposium "Strangeness in Nuclear and Hadronic Systems SENDAI08"
Journal: International Journal of Modern Physics E 19 (12), 2538-2545 (2010)
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: relativistic mean-field theory, anti-lambda hypernuclei, relativistic mean field theory, successful effective nucleon-nucleon interaction pk1, hypernuclear magnetic moment
Tags: journal article
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