arXiv:1003.3624 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Nuclear Structure in the Framework of the Unitary Correlation Operator Method
Robert Roth, Thomas Neff, Hans Feldmeier
Published 2010-03-15Version 1
Correlations play a crucial role in the nuclear many-body problem. We give an overview of recent developments in nuclear structure theory aiming at the description of these interaction-induced correlations by unitary transformations. We focus on the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM), which offers a very intuitive, universal and robust approach for the treatment of short-range correlations. We discuss the UCOM formalism in detail and highlight the connections to other methods for the description of short-range correlations and the construction of effective interactions. In particular, we juxtapose UCOM with the Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) approach, which implements the unitary transformation of the Hamiltonian through a very flexible flow-equation formulation. The UCOM- and SRG-transformed interactions are compared on the level of matrix elements and in many-body calculations within the no-core shell model and with Hartree-Fock plus perturbation theory for a variety of nuclei and observables. These calculations provide a detailed picture of the similarities and differences as well as the advantages and limitations of unitary transformation methods.