arXiv:1002.0060 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
BCS-BEC Crossover in Symmetric Nuclear Matter at Finite Temperature: Pairing Fluctuation and Pseudogap
Published 2010-01-30, updated 2010-03-26Version 3
By adopting a $T$-matrix based method within $G_0G$ approximation for the pair susceptibility, we studied the effects of pairing fluctuation on the BCS-BEC crossover in symmetric nuclear matter. The pairing fluctuation induces a pseudogap in the excitation spectrum of nucleon in both superfluid and normal phases. The critical temperature of superfluid transition was calculated. It differs from the BCS result remarkably when density is low. We also computed the specific heat which shows a nearly ideal BEC type temperature dependence at low density but a BCS type behavior at high density. This qualitative change of the temperature dependence of specific heat may serve as a thermodynamic signal for BCS-BEC crossover.