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arXiv:0911.1493 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Geometric measure of entanglement for pure multipartite states

Lin Chen, Aimin Xu, Huangjun Zhu

Published 2009-11-08, updated 2012-04-19Version 6

We provide methods for computing the geometric measure of entanglement for two families of pure states with both experimental and theoretical interests: symmetric multiqubit states with non-negative amplitudes in the Dicke basis and symmetric three-qubit states. In addition, we study the geometric measure of pure three-qubit states systematically in virtue of a canonical form of their two-qubit reduced states, and derive analytical formulae for a three-parameter family of three-qubit states. Based on this result, we further show that the W state is the maximally entangled three-qubit state with respect to the geometric measure.

Comments: A minor error on the explanation of three-qubit GHZ state has been corrected in the fourth paragraph of page 1. Thanks for Martin Aulbach pointing out this error
Journal: Phys. Rev. A 82, 032301 (2010)
Categories: quant-ph
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