arXiv:0910.5129 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Modeling the jet quenching in hot and dense QCD matter
I. P. Lokhtin, L. V. Malinina, S. V. Petrushanko, A. M. Snigirev, I. Arsene, K. Tywoniuk
Published 2009-10-27Version 1
One of the important perturbative ("hard") probes of hot and dense QCD matter is the medium-induced energy loss of energetic partons, so called "jet quenching", which is predicted to be very different in cold nuclear matter and in QGP, and leads to a number of phenomena which are already seen in the RHIC data on the qualitative level. The inclusion of jet quenching and other important collective effects, such as radial and elliptic flows, in the existing Monte-Carlo models of relativistic heavy ion collisions is discussed. Some issues on the corresponding physical observables at RHIC and LHC energies obtained with HYDJET++ model are presented.