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arXiv:0910.2810 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Weak complementarity from discrete symmetries

Luca Merlo

Published 2009-10-15Version 1

The neutrino oscillation data find a good approximation in the so-called tri-bimaximal pattern. Recently a paper appeared showing that also the bimaximal pattern, which is already ruled out by the measurements, could be a very good starting point in order to describe the lepton mixing. In this paper I review both the flavour structures and then I present an explicit flavour model based on the discrete group S4, in which the PMNS mixing matrix is of the bimaximal form in first approximation and after it receives corrections which bring it in agreement with the data. The resulting spectrum of light neutrinos shows a moderate normal hierarchy and is compatible, within large ambiguities, with the constraints from leptogenesis as an explanation of the baryon asymmetry in the Universe.

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure; Proceeding for the XXXIII International Conference of Theoretical Physics: ``USTRON09 -- Matter to the Deepest: Recent Developments in Physics of Fundamental Interactions''
Journal: Acta Phys.Polon.B40:3179-3184,2009
Categories: hep-ph
Subjects: 14.60.Pq, 11.30.Hv
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