arXiv:0904.1093 [nucl-ex]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Decay Properties of $^{266}$Bh and $^{262}$Db Produced in the $^{248}$Cm + $^{23}$Na Reaction
K. Morita, K. Morimoto, D. Kaji, H. Haba, K. Ozeki, Y. Kudou, N. Sato, T. Sumita, A. Yoneda, T. Ichikawa, Y. Fujimori, S. Goto, E. Ideguchi, Y. Kasamatsu, K. Katori, Y. Komori, H. Koura, H. Kudo, K. Ooe, A. Ozawa, F. Tokanai, K. Tsukada, T. Yamaguchi, A. Yoshida
Published 2009-04-07Version 1
Decay properties of an isotope $^{266}$Bh and its daughter nucleus $^{262}$Db produced by the $^{248}$Cm($^{23}$Na, 5\textit{n}) reaction were studied by using a gas-filled recoil separator coupled with a position-sensitive semiconductor detector. $^{266}$Bh was clearly identified from the correlation of the known nuclide, $^{262}$Db. The obtained decay properties of $^{266}$Bh and $^{262}$Db are consistent with those observed in the $^{278}$113 chain, which provided further confirmation of the discovery of $^{278}$113.