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arXiv:0903.2436 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

A simple microscopic description of quantum Hall transition without Landau levels

V. V. Mkhitaryan, V. Kagalovsky, M. E. Raikh

Published 2009-03-13, updated 2009-08-10Version 2

By restricting the motion of high-mobility 2D electron gas to a network of channels with smooth confinement, we were able to trace, both classically and quantum-mechanically, the interplay of backscattering, and of the bending action of a weak magnetic field. Backscattering limits the mobility, while bending initiates quantization of the Hall conductivity. We demonstrate that, in restricted geometry, electron motion reduces to two Chalker-Coddington networks, with opposite directions of propagation along the links, which are weakly coupled by disorder. Interplay of backscattering and bending results in the quantum Hall transition in a non-quantizing magnetic field, which decreases with increasing mobility. This is in accord with scenario of floating up delocalized states.

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