arXiv:0903.0605 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Electron Scattering off 4He with Three-Nucleon Forces
Sonia Bacca, Nir Barnea, Winfried Leidemann, Giuseppina Orlandini
Published 2009-03-03Version 1
An ab-initio calculation of the 4He(e,e') inelastic longitudinal response function R_L is presented. Realistic two- and three-body forces are used. The four-body continuum dynamics is treated rigorously with the help of the Lorentz integral transform. The three-nucleon force reduces the quasi-elastic peak height by about 10% for momentum transfers q between 300 and 500 MeV/c. Experimental data are well described, but not sufficiently precise to resolve this effect. The reduction due to the three-nucleon force increases significantly at lower q reaching up to about 40% at q=100 MeV/c. However, at such q values data are missing.