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arXiv:0902.3233 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Theoretical expectations for a fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene

Z. Papić, M. O. Goerbig, N. Regnault

Published 2009-02-18Version 1

Due to its fourfold spin-valley degeneracy, graphene in a strong magnetic field may be viewed as a four-component quantum Hall system. We investigate the consequences of this particular structure on a possible, yet unobserved, fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene within a trial-wavefunction approach and exact-diagonalisation calculations. This trial-wavefunction approach generalises an original idea by Halperin to account for the SU(2) spin in semiconductor heterostructures with a relatively weak Zeeman effect. Whereas the four-component structure at a filling factor nu=1/3 adds simply a SU(4)-ferromagnetic spinor ordering to the otherwise unaltered Laughlin state, the system favours a valley-unpolarised state at nu=2/5 and a completely unpolarised state at nu=4/9. Due to the similar behaviour of the interaction potential in the zero-energy graphene Landau level and the first excited one, we expect these states to be present in both levels.

Comments: 6 pages, 1 figure; review article for Solid State Comm. (Graphene Week 2008)
Journal: Solid State Comm. 149, 1056 (2009)
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