arXiv:0901.1437 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Experimental constraints on nMSSM and implications on its phenomenology
Junjie Cao, Heather E. Logan, Jin Min Yang
Published 2009-01-11, updated 2009-05-11Version 2
We examine various direct and indirect experimental constraints on the nearly minimal supersymmetric standard model (nMSSM) and obtain the following observations: (i) Current experiments stringently constrain the parameter space, setting a range of 1-37 GeV for the lightest neutralino (LSP), 30-140 GeV (1-250 GeV) for the lightest CP-even (CP-odd) Higgs boson, and 1.5-10 for \tan\beta; (ii) To account for the dark matter relic density, besides the s-channel exchange of a Z-boson, the s-channel exchange of a light A_1 (the lightest CP-odd Higgs boson) can also play an important role in LSP annihilation. Compared with the Z-exchange annihilation channel, the A_1 exchange channel is more favored by muon g-2 data and allows much broader regions for the parameters; (iii) In a large part of the allowed parameter space the SM-like Higgs boson may dominantly decay to LSP pair or A_1 pair and the conventional visible decays (e.g. into bottom quarks) are severely suppressed.