arXiv:0812.3167 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Decays of Charmed Mesons to PV Final States
Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Jonathan L. Rosner
Published 2008-12-16Version 1
New data on the decays of the charmed particles $D^0$, $D^+$, and $D_s$ to $PV$ final states consisting of a light pseudoscalar meson $P$ and a light vector meson $V$ are analyzed. Following the same methods as in a previous analysis of $D \to PP$ decays, one can test flavor symmetry, extract key key amplitudes, and obtain information on relative strong phases. Analyses are performed for Cabibbo-favored decays and then extended to predict properties of singly- and doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed processes.
Comments: 15 pages, 2 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D
Journal: Phys.Rev.D79:034016,2009
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: pv final states, charmed mesons, light pseudoscalar meson, light vector meson, test flavor symmetry
Tags: journal article
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