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arXiv:0811.2671 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Analysis of the $B_q\to D_q(D_q^*) P$ and $B_q\to D_q(D_q^*) V$ decays within the factorization approach in QCD

K. Azizi, R. Khosravi, F. Falahati

Published 2008-11-17, updated 2009-12-17Version 3

Using the factorization approach and considering the contributions of the current-current, QCD penguin and electroweak penguin operators at the leading approximation, the decay amplitudes and decay widths of $B_q\to D_q(D_q^*) P$ and $B_q\to D_q(D_q^*) V$ transitions, where $q=u,d,s$ and P and V are pseudoscalar and vector mesons, are calculated in terms of the transition form factors of the $B_q\to D_{q}$ and $B_q\to D^{*}_{q}$. Having computed those form factors in three-point QCD sum rules, the branching fraction for these decays are also evaluated. A comparison of our results with the predictions of the perturbative QCD as well as the existing experimental data is presented.

Comments: 18 Pages and 9 Tables
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys.A24:5845-5860,2009
Categories: hep-ph
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